National Dialogue Forum


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CPEC and Environment: How bad is it?

The name CPEC (China Pakistan Economic Corridor) is well-known to many people across the world. It is recognized as China’s Belt and Road Initiative’s flagship project in Pakistan. Experts are divided on the economic advantages and environmental repercussions of this project, leaving aside the political and strategic aspect for the sake of this article. However, an examination of cross-economic gains and environmental costs is required.

Source of life

Mangroves are a natural way to filter saline water and produce fresh water. They are also important for the conservation of sea life and the filtration of the ground water system. However, mangrove forests are being degraded due to human activities such as deforestation and urbanisation. This is a serious problem because it will lead to water scarcity in the coastal areas of Pakistan. The government should take steps to conserve mangrove forests and promote awareness about their importance.

When the taps run out

The Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR) released a warning in May regarding the national water crisis. This has raised consternation among concerned citizens.

At this stage, Pakistan is ranked third among countries that are facing water scarcity. According to the PCRWR, the country may run out of water by 2025 if proper mitigation measures aren’t taken immediately by the authorities.

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